Mesh Baskets

Fridge basket

Fridge basket
Fridge basket
  • Category:Mesh Baskets
  • Material:low carbon steel wire
  • Properties: smooth appearance, no-corrosive, dose not rust and environment-friendly
  • Application:Suitable for refrigerators, freezers and display cabinets

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Fridge basket
Material: low carbon steel wire
Finish: Zinc plated, and then Powder coating
Characteristics of the fridge basket:
Reliable quality, smooth appearance, no-corrosive, dose not rust and environment-friendly
Applications of the fridge basket:
Suitable for refrigerators, freezers and display cabinets
This extra deep storage basket was designed to use in the pantry, closet or freezer to store canned goods, and larger food items. Convenient built-in handles for carrying. Made of sturdy stainless steel, keep packages, boxes, and bags of frozen foods organized and easy to access with our Freezer Storage Baskets
PVC coated into white color, these baskets resist rust and will not scratch the interior of your freezer.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact the following: TEL: 0086-10-68285557 E-mail: